Coaching | Mediation | Flight fear

Take off…

… for personal develpment
and new perspectives!


Take off…
… for personal evelopment
and new perspectives!

Are you looking for support with private or professional decision-making, change or reorientation?

Would you like to improve your communication or deal well with stress?

Do you have an entrenched conflict that you would like to resolve?


You would like to enjoy your flights relaxed and without fear of flying?


I will be happy to accompany and support you on your journey to a new quality of life!

Yours Peter Schlachter, Coach & Mediator

Free initial consultation

You can get to know me in a relaxed way during a non-binding initial consultation and find out whether you would like to work on your concerns with me. For this purpose, we can meet via Zoom as well as in my practice in Wiener Neudorf.

In order to be able to send you appointment suggestions or possibly a link for Zoom, please fill in the following fields.
Otherwise, you are also welcome to contact me by phone.

Thank you,
Yours Peter Schlachter

M: +43 699 10899108



Individual Coaching – Personal development

In the cockpit, I learned to work under stress and pressure to succeed, and also how important it is to have clear and efficient communication with everyone involved.

​I know how it feels to have to make decisions in a lonely position and under time pressure.

Time and again I have seen that change can be enriching, especially when the timing is right – even when we have not chosen to do so voluntarily.

I am convinced that we already carry the answers to our questions within us and I am happy to support you in finding your own.

In doing so, I work with you seriously but also with a touch of humour!


In order to make decisions, we sometimes need a counterpart to reflect on the different points of view, to gain the necessary distance or simply to find the right method for ourselves.

Since difficult decisions can be quite complex, a structured approach and the choice of the right strategy are essential.

Finding the appropriate balance between intuition, emotion and reason is part of coaching.

Change process

Change is the basis of all further development.

Nevertheless, change often creates discomfort or even anxiety, even if the current situation is difficult but familiar. Change is usually associated with a certain loss of security and is therefore definitely experienced as a threat or even excessive demand. We seek and need security in order to feel comfortable and secure, whatever this security may look like.

I see supporting you in letting go of old securities and opening up to new ones as an important first step. By doing so, you give the new possibilities that lie hidden in a change a chance in the first place!


The impulse for reorientation usually arises from dissatisfaction or frustration with the current situation. Taking a closer look at the causes before making any hasty steps and decisions will protect you from avoidable disappointments.

At the latest when you say to yourself or feel inwardly “I don’t want to any more” – “I can’t any more”, it is time to deal with a new orientation and to clarify the decisive questions for this. In coaching, you can be supported in a very targeted and efficient way.

Even though a reorientation may initially be accompanied by effort and a certain degree of uncertainty, it offers great opportunities and possibilities for your life.

Communication Skills

According to Paul Watzlawick, it is not possible to “not communicate”.
It is therefore worth paying attention to how we communicate, especially since 65% of our communication is non-verbal.

By jointly reflecting on one’s own communication patterns with a coach, the causes of unsuccessful conversations as well as misunderstandings can be tracked down and replaced by new communication skills.

Successful communication has been proven to contribute significantly to success – both professionally and privately.

Stress Management

Stress occurs when there are not enough resources to cope with certain tasks or even dangerous situations.

Since stress causes physical and mental reactions, it is worth knowing and applying strategies to cope with stress.
These include measures such as

  • Practising resilience in stressful situations.
  • Acquiring skills to deal with stress.
  • Learning measures and methods that prevent stress from arising in the first place.

In coaching, you can experience this, tailored to your personal needs.

Conflict resolution

We can experience conflicts not only on the outside but also within ourselves. We then feel like we are in a kind of “predicament”.

Both affect our performance as well as our well-being – even to the point of anxiety. It is therefore advisable not to let them queue up under any circumstances.

The sooner you deal with it, the better.

Team Coaching – Team development

Since good teamwork not only increases performance and success, but also the joy of working together, it is worth developing and maintaining a good teamwork culture.

teamwork culture.

Optimally coordinated teams are an extremely important, if not the decisive factor in my professional field.

Tailored to your needs, I share with your team my entire repertoire of experience in team development, resource management and communication.


Team inventory

  • How are the team members doing with each other, also in relation to the daily demands?
  • How high are the respective workloads and their distribution in the team?
  • How does home office affect communication and cooperation?
  • What concerns do the individual team members have, and what concerns does the team as a whole have?
  • Are there group formations and how do they affect the team?
  • Are the team’s goals clear enough?
  • Is there a healthy feedback culture and how is it applied and lived?
  • What agreements should and can be made to facilitate or improve cooperation?

Team communication

It is now generally accepted that good and efficient communication is essential for the success of a team.
Since this is also a major safety-relevant aspect in aviation, it is accordingly given a great deal of attention.

I myself have had countless opportunities to experience various forms of communication within a team and their effects – both how obstructive unclear and emotional communication can be, but also how positive good and efficient communication can have an effect on the team’s success and cooperation.

A wide variety of communication problems can arise in teams that hinder or prevent successful cooperation.

It is therefore worthwhile to recognise these and to jointly replace them with new communication patterns that are adapted to the respective requirements.

Team resources

It is often small things that create so-called friction losses, but in sum can have a significant impact.
Identifying and addressing these in a team often only becomes possible and acceptable when viewed from the outside.

Working together on the corresponding findings from the stocktaking as well as tracking down unused resources and integrating them in a beneficial way is much easier in team coaching and can even be fun. In any case, it will increase the success and performance of the team – usually with less effort.

Team development

In the truest sense of the word, the most diverse abilities can develop within a team, especially if the necessary space is made available – openness and transparency are allowed and wanted. This also makes it possible to work out the difference between cooperation and operation. How do I move from operating to cooperating?

My main concern is to make this space visible and tangible for everyone so that we can work on the relevant issues together in a protected atmosphere.


In conflict situations, there is often an interest on the part of all parties involved to reach necessary agreements, but the implementation of these agreements often fails due to an inadequate or completely absent basis for discussion. An atmosphere already poisoned by misunderstandings, disputes, mutual accusations, etc. prevents working together for a result satisfactory to all.

Here, mediation is an excellent means of nevertheless achieving a win-win situation. It requires mediation and a structured framework to re-establish a workable communication and to get enough space for creative possibilities.

As a registered mediator, I can provide you with targeted support in this process.


As a flight captain, I often experienced during fear of flying seminars that not all participants ultimately completed the planned flight. Obviously, additional follow-up support was needed.

In individual coaching, it has sometimes been shown that an additional experience of so-called dangerous situations in a flight simulator could close the last remaining gap in the original fear of flying.

I am happy to support you, with the appropriate method depending on the cause, in order to be able to feel comfortable when flying. I offer this both in groups and in individual sessions, up to and including a visit to an A320 flight simulator.

I accompany you through personal coaching and also telephone follow-up until you can board an aircraft relaxed and enjoy the flight.

About me...

Married, 2 sons

I started my professional life as an airline pilot about 40 years ago. I had many opportunities in the demanding work environment of aviation to observe the great influence of the so-called “human factors”. During my work as a flight instructor, leader of the Critical Incident Stress Management Team as well as during fear of flying seminars, it became increasingly clear to me how important open and appreciative communication, personal well-being and accountability are for a safe and harmonious working relationship.

My interest in this psychological component developed so much that I eventually trained as a coach and mediator. The diverse experiences from my original professional world flow naturally and supportively into this new, very fulfilling activity.





  • Decision making
  • Personal/professional change
  • Communication – private/professional
  • Stress – management
  • Fear of flying – coaching
  • Conflicts of all kinds
  • Mediation

Work experience

  • Airline pilot
  • Flight instructor
  • Individual Coaching
  • Team Coaching
  • CISM Team Leiter
  • Fear of Flying Seminars
  • Phyllis Krystal Method® Seminars


  • Airline pilot training with Austrian Airlines
  • Flight instructor training with Austrian Airlines
  • CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management)
  • NLP-Master Practitioner at the ÖTZ
  • Mediator-Ausbildung at the ÖTZ
  • LSB at the ÖTZ


Peter Schlachter


Hauptstrasse 4 | Top 2
2351 Wiener Neudorf

Phone number

+43 699 10899108

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